Friday, May 26, 2006

Allergic to Happiness?
The relationships between my body and my emotional states are (understandably) inextricably intertwined and complex. But sometimes the cause and effect is so simple that I don't even really recognize it for a long time. When I first got contact lenses, I loved them, though they were difficult to put in and take out. A few months after that I started feeling really tired all of the time. I couldn't understand my exhaustion, I (being something of a hypochondriac) kept thinking I had some thyroid problem or some such. I would sleep a lot, but mostly it was just like I was tired all the time. In class I would yawn consistently. I would want to close my eyes. I would rub my eyes a lot.

Wait. My eyes?

And that's when I figured out that what was happening was that my contacts were drying my eyes out, which my brain was interpreting as he needs sleep. When I changed brands and started using eyedrops, no more sleepyhead. In fact, I sometimes still use eyedrops to wake up. So, it's kind of like method acting, except unintentional.

I'm discovering a similar relationship between depression and allergies to pollen-ish stuff. One symptom of depression for me is an acheyness in my face. That sounds weird, I know, but it is a pretty definite way in which I feel depressed. When I'm depressed, my eyelids feel heavy, I feel like I have huge weights on my lower lids, my face feels puffy. Part of the listlessness that can come from depression for me is how my whole face feels droopy--my whole body too, but I feel it more in my face. I get a sort of tunnell-vision when I'm depressed, too, and--strange as this may sound--it sort of feels like it comes from my face being unmovable to some degree.

All of these things are difficult to describe. Pehraps I can get better at describing it as time goes on.

The interesting thing for me is that I also feel a lot of this when I'm perfectly happy, but having some reaction to pollen. Springtime usually consists of some adjustment of my sinuses and such. Usually I do adjust, but for a while my face and body feel achey, my eyes feel heavy...many of the same things that I feel when I'm depressed. And the thing is, I think I sort of become depressed as a part of that. Not to a huge degree, but there it is. My face feels lazy, I feel lazy...and the connection between lethargy and depression is a close one for me as well.

What to do about it? Well, recognizing it helps, because I can think to myself, "Hmm...actually, I think I just need to take an allergy pill or exercise a bit (which seems to relieve the symptoms for a while no matter the cause)". But here's another thing--I think knowing this I might just try to do something like face exercises or something. This seems all-too-new-agey for me, but I think it might help. I think that one of the reasons that, say, laughing makes me happier might be because it mixes up my face a bit, gets me out of that lethargy somewhat that my brain associates with a droopy little face. Maybe smiling some might make me happier? Or, maybe even frowning some might!
Filed under:Health and Therapy


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